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dr Ewa Jaszczuk-Getler DENTIST

She graduated from the Medical University of Warsaw in 1997. She has been professionally connected with GOODENT Clinic for more than 20 years. She performs procedures in the field of prosthetics, surgery, preventive dentistry. She has extensive experience in treating children. She is a member of the Polish Society of Pediatric Dentistry. She has participated several times in consultations on pediatric dentistry in the press, radio and television. She is an expert of the Internet Television TV.ZDROWIE.

She continuously develops her professional competence by participating in many scientific conferences, courses and trainings. He is skilled in digital CAD/CAM design and fabrication of dental restorations on a CEREC Sirona (CAD/CAM, Computer Aided Design, Computer Aided Manufacturing).

She relaxes best with a good book. Her passion is traveling.